Stop losses
Whalinvest supports several stop losses mecanisms
Disabled stop loss (default)
By default no loss cutting strategy is active. Robots are waiting to sell in profit.
Cut losses according to a percentage (🚨 losing sell)
The robot will automatically sell if the value of the tokens drops according to the desired percentage "stop loss". Example for a 10% setting: a robot buy 1 BTC at $50,000, the price of the BTC drops by 10%, the robot will sell the BTC at 45000$.
Keeping your initial trade amount
When the price of a purchased token increases by a certain percentage, the robot will place a stop limit order to prevent money loss.
selling price = buying price + platform's transaction fees
Example for a 10% setting: a robot buy 1 BTC at $50,000, the price of the BTC increases to $55,000, the robot places a stop limit order at $50,075.
Secure your benefits
When the price of a purchased crypto currency increases by twice your percentage "minimum benefits to secure", relative to your purchase price, the bot will place a stop limit order at the purchase price plus your chosen percentage.
stop limit price = purchase price + platform's transaction fee + percentage
As long as the market rises, it will watch the price of the crypto-currency, and when it rises again by double your percentage "minimum benefits to secure", compared to the previous stop limit, the robot will place a stop limit order at the price of the previous stop limit plus your chosen percentage. It will repeat the operation as long as it has not sold.
stop limit price = previous stop limit price + percentage
Example for a 10% setting: The robot buys 1 BTC at $50,000, the price of BTC increases to $60,000, the robot sets a stop limit order at $55042. The price increases again to $66050, the robot sets a stop limit order at $60546.
Stop follower
The stop follower is a combination of losses management strategies "cut losses" and "secure your benefits".
If the value of the purchased crypto currency drops according to the desired percentage "stop loss", then the robot will automatically sell, (see the cut losses section).
If the value of the purchased crypto-currency increases, according to the chosen value "minimum benefits to secure" the robot secures the gains steps by steps. (see the secure your benefits section).
Last updated
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